Martial arts can offer a range of benefits for kids heading back to school, including physical, mental, and social advantages: Physical health Martial arts can improve cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. Mental well-being Martial arts can help build confidence, focus, and self-discipline. The physical activity can also reduce stress and improve mood. Social skills […]
When was the last time you were grateful for something in your life or some experience you had? All too often we find ourselves in situations where we forget to take the time to stop and smell the roses. Gratitude is the ability to be thankful for everything you have in your life. It helps […]
Statistics show in the US, over 3 million students are bullied a year. And that’s just reported cases. Moreover, bullying is most common between 5th and 8th grade, and about one in ten students will drop out of school due to bullying. Students are suffering in places where they should be learning. Therefore, it is imperative that […]
Summer is coming, and that means the summer slide. Parents always want the best for their children and kickstarting a healthy lifestyle through martial arts is paramount. The martial arts provide young boys and girls with an active regiment to develop their health in both body and mind. Beyond physical exercise, training in the martial […]
We’ve officially opened our Downtown McKinney Location, and are welcoming new students to our academy. Mr. Taylor is our head instructor of this location, with many years of martial arts experience and child development specialist training under his belt. We’ve added 2000 square foot of mat space, and a bright interior to welcome you to […]
As people grow older, they begin to find ways to be more productive and make use of their time. For senior citizens, in particular, they find that there is even more time they need to utilize and want to do so effectively. Many will go out and find other jobs while others will pursue hobbies […]
Every year, the American Heart Association celebrates Heart Month to raise awareness about heart disease and heart health. What you may not know is that martial arts are great for the heart. In fact, the cardiac benefits of martial arts give a whole new meaning to the idea of cardiovascular fitness. With that in mind, […]
Grade school can be quite the experience for any child. It is a place where a child not only learns academically but one where a child must learn to socialize and function in the world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative experiences that a child may have when going through school. Whatever those experiences […]